在剛過去的週六,引正基因(GenEditBio) 共同創辦人鄭宗立博士帶領近二十位熱心公益的員工參加了由香港視網膜病變協會組織的賣旗籌款活動。香港視網膜病變協會是由視網膜退化病患者組成的病人自助組織,致力於幫助那些受到視網膜退化影響的人士。自1995年成立以來,他們不遺餘力地推動科學研究和康復服務,賦予患者力量,使他們能夠為社區作出貢獻。我們很榮幸能夠支持他們的使命,幫助籌集善款以扶持他們富有意義的項目!冬至不凍!
Central Volunteers, Together, We are Stronger!
Over the weekend, our co-founder Dr Zongli Zheng together with nearly 20 members of GenEditBio proudly participated in a flag-selling event organized by Retina Hong Kong, a self-help charity dedicated to assisting those impacted by retinal degeneration. Since 1995, Retinal Hong Kong has spared no efforts to promote scientific research and rehabilitation services, empowering patients to contribute to the community. We're honored to support their mission and help raise funds to advance their impactful initiatives! Warmth and joy bless you this winter solstice!